Types of queries
Now after defining these data structure our database is ready to answer fundamental queries like:
- Whole Match Queries: Given a collection of N objects O1,.., On and aquery object Q find data objects that are within distance delta from Q
- Sub-pattern Match: Given a collection of N objects O1,.., On and a query(sub-) object Q and a tolerance delta identify the parts of the data objects that match the query Q.
- K- Nearest Neighbor queries: Given a collection of N objects O1,.., On and a query object Q find the K most similar data objects to Q.
- All pairs queries (or ”spatial joins”): Given a collection of N objects O1 ,.., On find all objects that are within distance delta from each other.
- Visibility - What can I see?
- Ray intersections - What did the player just shoot?
- Collision detection - Did the player just hit a wall?
- Proximity queries - Where is the nearest power-up?
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Posted by
erotic |
3:04 PM